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Borderlands [Game Of The Year] (Playstation 3 / PS3)
Super Scribblenauts (Nintendo DS)
Lethal Enforcers (Sega Genesis)
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men [PAL] [Not For Resale] (Xbox 360)
Petz Rescue Ocean Patrol (Nintendo DS)
Sewer Shark [Not For Resale] (Sega CD)
LEGO Star Wars (Playstation 2 / PS2)
Dragon Age: Origins (Playstation 3 / PS3)
Triple Score (Sega Genesis)
NBA Showdown (Super Nintendo / SNES)
DJ Hero [Game Only] (Nintendo Wii)
Bionic Commando (Xbox 360)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Xbox 360)
Madden 2003 (Nintendo Gamecube)
Nickelodeon Fit (Nintendo Wii)
Real World Golf (Xbox)
End War (Nintendo DS)
Top Gun Firestorm Advance (Game Boy Advance / GBA)
Mercenaries 2 World in Flames (Playstation 3 / PS3)
Carnival (Intellivision)
Madden 2008 (Playstation 3 / PS3)
NHL Hockey (Intellivision)
Major League Baseball (Intellivision)
Sleeping Dogs (Playstation 3 / PS3)