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The Super Spy (Neo Geo AES)
Threshold (Colecovision)
Thunder Blade [JP Import] (PC Engine)
Tiger Road (TurboGrafx-16)
Time Cruise (TurboGrafx-16)
Time Pilot (Colecovision)
Time Pilot [White Label] (Colecovision)
Tomcat The F-14 Fighter Simulator (Atari 2600)
Top Player's Golf (Neo Geo AES)
Towering Inferno (Atari 2600)
Triple Action (Intellivision)
Tron Deadly Discs (Intellivision)
Tron Deadly Discs [White Label] (Atari 2600)
Turbo (Colecovision)
Tutankham (Colecovision)
TV Sports Football (Turbografx-16)
Utopia (Intellivision)
Utopia [White Label] (Intellivision)
Valis II 2 (Turbografx-CD)
Valis III 3 (Turbografx-CD)
Vanguard [Silver Label] (Atari 2600)
Vectron (Intellivison)
Veigues Tactical Gladiator (TurboGrafx-16)
Venture (Atari 2600)